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Legal structure comparison between Brazilian and USA companies

In order to clarify the types of business entity existing in USA and Brazil, and what business structure is suitable for an entrepreneur business plan, this article has the main goal to inform the main structure further details about which one. First we’ll present a Table with the main characteristics which you can check the details right bellow.


TOP 5: The Best industries sectors to invest in Brazil

Being the ninth biggest economy in the world and the fourth largest country, with a population of 207,1 millions of people, with a large territory and a favorable weather, Brazil have great opportunities of investment and economic development. Check in this article the 5 best industries sectors to invest in Brazil:


Educational sector: An amazing opportunity to invest your money

A university education is increasingly becoming more of a reality for millions of Brazilians due to a growing economy and increased spending power. The number of students enrolled in Brazilian universities is expected to reach 10 million by next year, according to a market report from the US government and, unsurprisingly, there is a growing trend of Brazilians seeking their education overseas.  Understanding this market is crucial for those working with international student recruitment.


How to get a Permanent Resident in the most welcoming country

How important is the hospitality of a people when deciding which country to move to? It may or may not be a deciding factor depending on the circumstances. However, regardless of its weight on a decision, hospitality can make the assimilation process much easier. One of the destinations for these migrants is Brazil and something that Brazilians like to pride themselves on is their hospitality towards foreigners. It’s all too natural for most Brazilian to be willing to lend a helping hand to foreigners in their country. They are very communicative with foreigners and are always concerned with trying to make them feel welcomed.

Case Study

E.G Serviços Consultoria Ltda.

Mr. E.G is a businessman from a Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific which developed a new method to use organic enzymes, therefore after analysing the global market Mr. E.G found out that besides the fact Brazil had a huge and fast-growing market for agriculture, offering a big return of investment in the field, Brazil also could provide him with a strong passport which could allow him to live in every country in South America, plus the opportunity to do business worldwide with more freedom being considered neutral and friendly for all the world.

Case Study

GSHK Groups

The leader in the manufacturing of CIGS flexible thin-film solar panels, GSHK group is known to set the standards for integration of solar into innovative applications. With a range of products from portable solar chargers and building solutions (BIPV) to military applications and emerging innovations. GSHK manufactures Copper Indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) by using state-of-the-art, controlled co-evaporation and the thinnest stainless-steel substrate possible to create flexible and lightweight thin-film PV products for use in any application.

Case Study

Privi Organics USA Corporation

Privi Organics is an Indian multinational company, leading the country in the manufacturing, supplying and exportation of aroma chemicals. The solution that Establish Brazil found was to have a commercial subsidiary and a warehouse for the company. The subsidiary would import the products directly and it would be stored in the warehouse.

Case Study

Docplanner Subholdings BV

Docplanner is the world’s biggest healthcare platform, with local offices in six countries. Docplanner found that a big percentage of their Brazilian clients were not able to pay them for the services, therefore EB incorporates a subsidiary in Brazil to them so they are able to collect payments from their Brazilian clients.

Case Study

Integration International, Inc.

Integration International, Inc is an end-to-end technology services firm. Due to local legislative changes and difficulties with managing their employees, they found that they had a necessity for an on the ground service provider to manage their employees.

Case Study

HEM Consultoria e Suporte LTDA

Since the United Arab Emirate does not provide citizenship and the residency is always connected with your work situation Establish Brazil found that the best option for Mr. Ghassan was to get a permanent residency through investment, so he could invest in fixed income securities in Brazil and live here.