Legal structure comparison between Brazilian and USA companies
Mr. E.G is a businessman from a Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific which developed a new method to use organic enzymes, therefore after analysing the global market Mr. E.G found out that besides the fact Brazil had a huge and fast-growing market for agriculture, offering a big return of investment in the field, Brazil also could provide him with a strong passport which could allow him to live in every country in South America, plus the opportunity to do business worldwide with more freedom being considered neutral and friendly for all the world.
The leader in the manufacturing of CIGS flexible thin-film solar panels, GSHK group is known to set the standards for integration of solar into innovative applications. With a range of products from portable solar chargers and building solutions (BIPV) to military applications and emerging innovations. GSHK manufactures Copper Indium Gallium DiSelenide (CIGS) by using state-of-the-art, controlled co-evaporation and the thinnest stainless-steel substrate possible to create flexible and lightweight thin-film PV products for use in any application.