Top 6 Entrepreneurship Trends for 2019

To set yourself apart from the competition and to create competitive differentials in new business it is necessary to look not only for high demand products and services but also for new tendencies/trends (future perspectives) that are influenced by several factors, such as market development, consumer habits, and customs, and technological advances.
In the business world, a market trend is a trend followed by a large number of people or companies with similar goals, usually associated with the profitability of that type of product or service. Research is used to predict these trends, and this research can be carried out in several different ways, such as online questionnaires and focus groups. Besides this, verifying the behavior of companies and observing the performance of large players are interesting measures for discovering high-value information.
Below we listed the main trends for 2019. Keep in mind that, as the market fluctuates, some trends may continue on to the following year, others may change and there are those that can end up disappearing.
6. Live Events
A major trend since 2016, live events have already passed the user acceptance period and established itself as a content template that has come to stay.
Every year live streams gain more space on high-impact social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and there are also other digital streaming events such as YouTube and Periscope broadcasts, webinars and lectures.
5. Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual reality will undoubtedly gain more space in the year 2019, this market will accompany the development of technology, which grows and has its access facilitated each year.
Televisions, eyewear, and other electronic devices are already receiving these innovations.
It is an area, therefore, that bustles with new proposals and startups.
4. Automation Services
Automation services have become one of the major objects of study of major technology companies around the world.
The benefits include saving time and resources and increasing the productivity of companies to a new level. There is still much operational work that can be accelerated and which can be used in any niche market, this trend should become even stronger in the next years.
In marketing, for example, there are already tools being used like:
Chatbots- establish communication with customers.
Platforms - send email lists.
Applications - create reports for data analysis.
3. Interactive Marketing
These systems work by collecting data to improve your marketing strategy itself. They aim to interact with people and, in response to the messages you get, formulate new actions and interactions in a cyclical way. They can then establish an infallible connection between the marketing actions and the relationship with the customer, who is also benefited by adjustments based on their preferences. Thus, it is more valuable and cheaper for the same customer to buy multiple products (since it has given permission for data collection) than it is to attract new consumers.
2. Work and Make Team Management Remotely - Home Office
The so-called home office is a trend because it has several benefits, both for companies and employees and can be achieved due to current technological conditions.
Advantages for the corporation:
-The cutting of expenses and the increase in productivity, among others
Advantages for the professional:
-It improves productivity, quality of life and reduces the costs of the professional.
A survey conducted by a number of corporations, such as Trello, Opinion Box and Rock Content, shows that more than 34% of companies plan to invest in the remote system in 2019.
With this, new tools that facilitate communication at a distance are being explored. Plus, platforms that do not evaluate work by time, but by production and achievement of performance goals are being used more and more,
1. Applications and Disruptive Technology
Disruptive Technology is technology that breaks patterns and chains. It transforms and completely modifies business models.
Recent apps can be cited, apps such as Netflix, Uber, Nubank, Airbnb, and Spotify, that have revolutionized the way people do things.
With this trend, novelty, originality, and unusualness are what really makes the difference and a promising future certainly awaits those who establish new models of technology and business.