
What is it
Considered the largest fair in the wholesale and supermarket sector in the North and Northeast and the third largest in the country in the sector, the Super Mix is held by the Pernambuco Association of Wholesalers and Distributors (Aspa) and the Pernambuco Association of Supermarkets (Apes). The annual event brings together exhibitors from the food and beverage sectors, personal hygiene, home cleaning, perfumery, cosmetics, offal, utilities for the home, equipment, technology, cargo transportation, and security, among other segments.
Reasons to attend
Considered the largest fair in the wholesale and supermarket sector in the North and Northeast and the third largest in the country in the sector, the Super Mix is held by the Pernambuco Association of Wholesalers and Distributors (Aspa) and the Pernambuco Association of Supermarkets (Apes). The annual event brings together exhibitors from the food and beverage sectors, personal hygiene, home cleaning, perfumery, cosmetics, offal, utilities for the home, equipment, technology, cargo transportation, and security, among other segments.