Congresso do meio ambiente

What is itÂ
seek not only in the national and international academic area, but also in the main entities and companies of Brazil and abroad renowned guests of national and international renown to add value to the event and bring to Congress what is most current in the environmental area of the Planet. Thus, personalities like Werner Grau Neto, Richard Rasmussen, Fernando Gabeira, Marina Silva, Washington Novaes, Sergio Abranches, Leonardo Boff, Hevanildo Spanish, Ildo Sauer and many other names contributed to the success of the event
Reasons to attend
seek not only in the national and international academic area, but also in the main entities and companies of Brazil and abroad renowned guests of national and international renown to add value to the event and bring to Congress what is most current in the environmental area of the Planet. Thus, personalities like Werner Grau Neto, Richard Rasmussen, Fernando Gabeira, Marina Silva, Washington Novaes, Sergio Abranches, Leonardo Boff, Hevanildo Spanish, Ildo Sauer and many other names contributed to the success of the event