Making your documents valid in Brazil

Making your documents valid in Brazil.
The apostille is necessary for the document to be considered valid in other countries. The apostille of a document is a recognition of authenticity that attests the validity of the document, in the country in which it is issued, certifying legal effect for which it is intended.
Most Common Examples of Documents to be apostilled:
1.Public documents of foreign origin issued by local authority:
Certificates of Civil Registration (birth, marriage, and death)
Certificates of notarial acts (public power of attorney, public deed, testament);
Judicial decisions (adoption, divorce, child custody regulations, etc.);
School and university documents.
2. Documents of a particular nature that have been recognized by notary and “county clerk”.
Private power of attorney;
Particular statements;
Forms of travel authorization for a minor, except in the case of Brazilians and foreigners with RNE who come personally to the Consulate, to do signature recognition;
Forms of authorization to obtain the passport of a minor, except in the case of Brazilians and foreigners with RNE who come personally to the Consulate, to do signature recognition.
It has the same legal power as a national document, when this recognized by the public notary public of the documents drawn up in the origin Country, with the legal clerk’s stamp and signature, for all juridic effects.
The apostille is of international use, established by the Convention de la Haye, located in Holland, currently with 83 members registered, plus the European Community.
Once the document is certified by one of the members, it has power and validity as any other similar document in another Country member.
Not being a member of the Convention de la Haye (HCCA), the country that wants a public recognition of the documents to be used in another country, must be recognized at local notary offices and subsequently go to the Brazilian Consulate for consular recognition, that is made on time by the employee, through tax payment. For complementary information about the consular services, contact the Brazilian Consulate of your city.
Example of attestment by the Convention de La Haye:

Example of attestment by the Brazilian Consulate: