Enie & Infrabuilding
The National Energy Policy Council (CNPE), through CNPE Resolution No. 10/2017, published in the Official Gazette of May 24, 2017, authorized the ANP to hold the 15th Round of bidding for exploration and production blocks Of oil and natural gas, in the concession modality.
For the 15th Round, the following blocks should be selected:
The Transmission Auction No. 2/2017, to be carried out by the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL, will generate approximately R $ 9 billion of investments.
The auction will in principle consist of 11 lots, covering the North, Northeast, Southeast and South regions, with approximately 4,919 km of transmission lines and 10,416 mega-volt-amps (MVA) of capacity expansion of transmission facilities.
The Agro Trafo Small Hydroelectric Power Plant is located in the municipality of DianĂłpolis, in the state of Tocantins, which has an installed capacity of 14.04 MW.
According to the concession agreement no. 51/99, signed with SOCIBE Energia S / A, the Agro Trafo Small Hydroelectric Plant had its final concession term on 12/7/17.
Brazil has called for expressions of interest in a consultancy contract that seeks proposals for an overhaul of oil and gas market rules. The winning bidder will develop a long-term plan for the commercialization of hydrocarbons via an independent body, according to the energy ministry.
Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras SA (Eletrobras) is a mixed-capital company controlled by the Brazilian government, constituted by Law no. 3,890-A, of April 25, 1961. Since its creation, Eletrobras has contributed to the expansion of energy supply Development of the country.