Video Script "Brazil The Rise of a Giant" Competition
R$ 300
+ Job Interview
1st Prize
R$ 100
+ Job Interview
2nd Prize
R$ 100
+ Job Interview
2nd Prize
R$ 100
+ Job Interview
2nd Prize
Corruption, Insecurity, Poverty and Lack of education, There are many words which paint a negative picture of Brazil and give many a misleading impression of the country, all while masking the many positive facets.
What positive facets you ask? Well, for starters Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, located in the heart of South America. It has the most deep-water rivers on the planet and we can’t forget to mention the largest equatorial forest in the world, capable of providing a volume of fresh water per person which is 19 times higher than the minimum established by the United Nations - 1,700 m³ / s per inhabitant per year.
Brazil is also a crucial player on the international stage, it’s among the fastest growing and most promising economies of the 21st century. It contributes the most troops in humanitarian missions and it has also been the host of some of the most important environmental summits!
We are on a mission to show the true positive version of Brazil, not only showing its size but also the country’s potential, the positives of its economy and civics, and its importance on the international stage.
We do need your help! on drafting a video script presenting Brazil in a new light to the rest of the world and make Brazilians proud to be Brazilians! We are looking to something which will pleasantly surprise everyone and change the negative image that many have of this beautiful reclaiming superpower.
We will use the winner script to produce a short video to be shared publicly and on social media
reference example:
The final result of our project is a short video as the one above but about Brazil, using the winner script
Metrics and Selection Criteria:
- Patriotism and How enthusiastic is the text about Brazil
- How able you are to make readers emotional based on true facts
- Research accuracy and Script Quality
The first-place contestant will receive an award of R$ 300, three runners-up will receive R$ 100 each.
If you need help in connection with this competition please write to
About Project Sponsor & Originator
Establish Brazil provides total assistance throughout the major stages of Market Entry and Expansion in Brazil and Latam
From basic Market Research & Opportunity Assessment, to Shortlisting Suppliers, Distributors & Potential partners, to the stage of Expansion: Local Representation & Business Incubator, Legal Structuring & Company Formation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Staff Recruitment, Investor & work visas, and then during the stage of Growing your business we help with Accounting, HR, Payroll, Finance and Compliance, to Interim management & corporate restructuring.
Competition winners are decided by a score given by the Establish Brazil team, as follows:
- Business Development Department: 30%
- Operational Department: 30%
- Finance Department: 15%
- Administrative Department: 20%
Beyond that, we winner will have the opportunity to have an interview to be part of Establish Brazil team.
Winners will be announced here on Results date >>