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It is the capital of Tocantins, has a privileged location, in the northern region, right in the center of Brazil.






PEO: A solution for hiring without having an incorporated Legal Entity in Brazil.

If you decided to expand your business to Brazil you already know that expanding globally is not a simple task, and besides the fact Brazil overhauled the UK to be the world’s sixth largest economy and, in the next decade, is envisioned to rise to fifth, It's still one of the most bureaucratic countries in the world.


TOP 5: The Best industries sectors to invest in Brazil

Being the ninth biggest economy in the world and the fourth largest country, with a population of 207,1 millions of people, with a large territory and a favorable weather, Brazil have great opportunities of investment and economic development. Check in this article the 5 best industries sectors to invest in Brazil:

Case Study

E.G Serviços Consultoria Ltda.

Mr. E.G is a businessman from a Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific which developed a new method to use organic enzymes, therefore after analysing the global market Mr. E.G found out that besides the fact Brazil had a huge and fast-growing market for agriculture, offering a big return of investment in the field, Brazil also could provide him with a strong passport which could allow him to live in every country in South America, plus the opportunity to do business worldwide with more freedom being considered neutral and friendly for all the world.

Case Study

Privi Organics USA Corporation

Privi Organics is an Indian multinational company, leading the country in the manufacturing, supplying and exportation of aroma chemicals. The solution that Establish Brazil found was to have a commercial subsidiary and a warehouse for the company. The subsidiary would import the products directly and it would be stored in the warehouse.


Congresso do meio ambiente

The tenth edition of the largest environmental meeting in Minas Gerais. It happens from the 24th to the 26th of September, in the Cultural Space of URCA.